Gentle Detox

Feeling sluggish after the winter months? Do you feel heavy and unmotivated? A gentle detox is just the thing! Don't be scared - it is as simple as cleaning out your closet! No harsh pills and no fasting for days. This is a great way to kick start the summer. Get ready to look & feel your best!
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About This Product:

Because winter brings a bit more of a sedentary lifestyle; comfort foods, holiday foods, alcohol, and perhaps heavier foods, we sometimes need to get out of that funk. Spring is the time that many detox-friendly foods and herbs naturally emerge. Foods like bitter greens and bright vegetables. I like to do something to clean my body after my long hibernation. A time to do a gentle detox if you will.
What are the benefits of a gentle detox?
👉 May help you sleep better
👉 May boost your circulation
👉 May help rid your body of toxins and give it a fresh start
👉 Can jumpstart a weight loss journey
👉 May help regulate hormones
👉 Help get rid of the bloat
👉 May clear your skin
👉 Gives your liver a little extra love, so it stays happy and healthy (and ages you slower!)
Convinced? Let's get started. 
This program contains 7 short educational videos where I explain what detoxification is and how to go about it. I include one 7-day meal plan with a grocery list included just to make your life easier.
The great thing about this program is that you can take it as far as you want to go, and I explain all of that within the videos. I even include handouts so that you don't have to take notes. You do not need anything special - no harsh pills, no juicer, you don't have to count calories or anything crazy.
Doing this detox in the spring is recommended, but I also tell my clients that detoxing 2-3 times per year is even more beneficial. And you get to use this program as long as you want - as many times as you want. Not only will this 1 week make all the difference in how you feel, but you will learn how to integrate healthy habits in your regular life. You can do this detox for 7 days, or stretch it out as long as you'd like. You are in the driver's seat - I am just here to give you the road map.
A detox is not necessarily for weight loss, but it is a GREAT start to the journey. Once you are done - reach out and I'd be happy to tell you what the next steps should be, whether it's for 10lbs or 100lbs, I am here for you.
Get in my free Facebook group where I share discounts, recipes, and interesting health facts. 
The contents of this training, such as text, graphics, images and other material are intended for informational and educational purposes and not for the purpose of rendering medical or mental health advice. The contents of this training are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making changes to your diet, exercise routine, medical regimen. lifestyle, and or mental health care. Unlike drugs, dietary supplements are not evaluated by the FDA for safety and effectiveness. Dietary Supplements are not meant to prevent, treat or cure diseases.

Program Details

Video 1 - Guidelines to Gentle Detox
Available Now
Video 2 - Phases of Detoxification
Available Now
Video 3 - Exercise & Water
Available Now
Video 4 - Chemicals
Available Now
Video 5 - Emotional Detox
Available Now
Video 6 - Meal Plan & Other Ways to Detox
Available Now
Video 7 - Ending the Detox
Available Now

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Electra Kiriakakis

Hi! My name Electra and I'm the owner of Soma Holistic Health & Wellness. Nutritious foods, movement, peace and self care is what I'm all about. The mind & body are the only things that we really own, add quality to the years of your life and thrive!
See Full Biography >
Hello! My name is Electra and I am the owner of Soma Holistic Health and Wellness. I attended the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Ottawa, Ontario and graduated as a registered Holistic Nutritionist. I also completed various other advanced courses in that school including Immunology, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, Nutrition and Pharmacology, Detoxification, and Safe and Effective Supplementation. I continued to get my Functional Nutrition certification where we covered all the topics that we learned in nutrition school, but we dove even deeper. I then realized in order to put everything I've learned into action; I needed to learn to cook healthy foods that nourish our bodies so that my family and I can love and enjoy them. I am not a fan of chicken and broccoli every day! Food needs to be mouthwatering, flavorful, and savory. So, I decided to take the Culinary Expert Program at the Academy of Culinary Nutrition. 
As you can see, I love learning. I am addicted to it. The only thing that really belongs to you in life is your mind and your body. How you treat it will determine not only your life span, but the quality of your life. Many of us believe that we are a healthy generation because many are living longer. But are we living longer or just dying longer?
My goal is to teach people all over the world that you do not have to live in pain!! Our bodies are absolutely miraculous. Our bodies know what to do and it is constantly saving our lives. DIS-EASE happens when we stop listening to what our body is saying. It knows what it needs, you just have to learn to listen. You can learn to manage and aid in feeling better just by tweaking your nutrition and lifestyle. 
‘How I do that? Where do I start?’ Should you become vegetarian? Paleo? Keto? Vegan? Should you consume dairy? It’s hard to know where to start – that’s why I am here. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. I will teach you what you need to know so that you can feel your best. Do you remember what it felt like to feel your best? Close your eyes and imagine it. IT IS POSSIBLE. I did the schooling and read the books so you don’t have to. There’s work to be done, I won’t lie to you. But I can ASSURE you that it is completely worth it. You are worth it.
Are you ready to make a change? Let’s do this together.

See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: Disclosure: Your background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ. There is no guarantee of success. Your results may vary. This program is intended for informational & educational purposes, it is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, and/or treatment. Please consult your medical professional before making any changes.